Muhaddisa Ali (محدثه)
is a multidisciplinary designer with a BFA in graphic design from Rhode Island School of Design. She is interested in the intersection of humanity, storytelling and design. She has been named a GDUSA Student to Watch 2024. Previously Design Director at Brown Political Review and Design Intern at FARRYNHEIGHT.

I Dream of Rest
2024Creative Direction
Identity Design
Publication Design
Exhibition Design
We, as a collective human race, are tired. In a culture propelled by productivity and capital, it requires great fortitude to slow down and feel. Tight deadlines and even tighter designs dictate our livelihoods. What is falling in between the gaps, when we relentlessly chase after the false promises of capitalism? With my degree project, I Dream of Rest and its subsequent book the Rest Manifesto, I activate the gaps and design rest as an act of anti-capitalistic resistance and a liberation practice in graphic design, a discipline deeply intwined with capitalism.

Inspired by slowing down, resistance, commons, spirituality, sleep, and care, I offer generative spaces for healing designed to and for rest and utilize these spaces to inform a political vision of graphic design practice that functions against capitalism.

Overview of Degree Project: The project was made up of four elements that  were the Rest Manifesto, Rest Logs, Interview Books & Photo Book

Rest Logs centering four kinds of rest: going on walk, prioritising sleep, engaging with spirituality, and honoring community

Set Up in DC Commons for Final Presentation

Spreads from the Rest Manifesto

Four Interview Books, featuring interviews with Pouya Ahmadi, Shiraz Abdullahi Gallab, Nida Abdullah & Ali Godil

Website Last Updated: June 2024