Muhaddisa Ali (محدثه)
is a multidisciplinary designer with a BFA in graphic design from Rhode Island School of Design. She is interested in the intersection of humanity, storytelling and design. She has been named a GDUSA Student to Watch 2024. Previously Design Director at Brown Political Review and Design Intern at FARRYNHEIGHT.

2023Publication Design

World building is the process of developing a detailed and plausible world for a novel or story, especially in science fiction, fantasy, and video games. This book, showcases an interview with Zaineb Aljummyat, and is the first in series examining the concept of identity through the lens and understanding of world-building - how our identities function as built worlds of our own. What goes into building them, how do we add and subtract from this world of identity as we progress through life, what affects changes, and how do we come to understand our own identities within our own worlds as they exist around other worlds of identities? 

Furthermore, it takes a look at how images and image making play a role in shaping our identity-worlds as we navigate the 21st century that is saturated with images from books, magazines, and, of course, the internet, 
with easy 24/7 access to image content. How do images inform the way we perceive of our identities and the 
worlds we build of them? 

Website Last Updated: June 2024